Mirena or Kyleena Insertion

Generally all intra-uterine devices are inserted as an in-rooms procedure.   

For the most part, this is a simple, slightly uncomfortable procedure which takes only a few minutes. 

If you have  

  • not had children  

  • only had caesarean sections  

  • have a history of low blood pressure and tendency to faint  

then the IUD may be too difficult to insert, and a general anaesthetic may be required.  

The risk of uterine perforation and infection is low. Both risks occur at the time of insertion (whether in the rooms or theatre).    

A risk of trying to pass the IUD introducer through the cervix is a profound vaso-vagal episode. This is a profound feint. Your blood pressure and pulse rate fall dramatically; you can pass out and even have a fit. This is unusual but can occur.  



Endometrial Ablation